Friday, August 13, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
June Update

Happy Birthday Concord Mom. June update is short. Life is busy, and were slowing down the farm. Looking forward to camping this week. Then hope to start making hay the following week. Barn progress is slow, due to weather and work. Below is a red Dexter heifer, growing well. Try to update later with more pics.

Monday, April 26, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Spring is here!

Spring is here and the weather is warming. Hogs were processed and sold, thank you. We have 2 new calves on the farm with one cow yet to calve. Plans are brewing fast for the new barn, I hope to order lumber this week. We recently bought a hay rake. And were planning the spring garden. We dont get to blog as much as we wish, with work changes (Stations and shift). But we'll try to keep this updated as much as possible.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Pig Process Dates

Also check us out on Facebook, search for: Concord Meadows Farm.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
2010 Farm Goals

1. Have fun, enjoy family and seasons. Spend as much time possible with Jay and Cayla. We bought a camper last year and intend to use it more this year. Maybe get down to one job?
2. Firewood. Without this we would have no heat. A major priority; spread out makes it easy. The shed was completed last year, which makes storing it easy. Now just for cutting and splitting, we went 1/3's on a log splitter with both neighbors. This works great.
3. Build Barn. The current plan is for a 30 ft x 48 ft x 12 ft high. Starting when weather breaks.
4. Finish Spare Bedroom. This was actually at one point a bedroom, turned bathroom in the '70s. Its is completely gutted with some wiring issues that need attention. Then dry wall and put down new sub floor, padding and carpet.
5. Garden and Canning. We want to be more efficient with the garden. Grow a few more things. We have decided against sweet corn. This is because it takes up so much room, we will continue to buy as in previous years; plus this helps support another local farm. Last year we got a pressure canner. This expediates the process and allows for more products to be canned.
6. Kitchen Floor- Fix and Finish. Some repairs are needed to be done on kitchen floor. It is sinking in one section. (Our house is very, very old!) We also want to pull up ugly kitchen carpet and refinish the original hardwood floor.
7. Garage Door. We need a new one, it has been in disrepair since we bought the house. Opening only by hand, and difficult at that.
8. Expand Cow herd. We want some registered Dexters in the mix. Also want to buy some small frame Angus cows to breed to our Dexter bull.
9. Fence. More fence row clearing to finish up. And fence to build.
10. 220 Volt Electricity in Garage. Wiring is in place, jus needs connected. When we had the backhoe last year for pasture water lines we also put in the underground electric wire to the garage. We currently have 110 volt overhead line out to garage.
Compare to 2009 Goals:
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Jay is loving the snow! We went sledding yesterday for about 30 minutes. We currenlty have about 5" of snow on pic nic table this morning. 1-3 " more snow coming tomorrow.
Firewood supply used approx 1/2 (actually a little less) but doing well. Maybe this year we'll get ahead?
Snow doesnt seem to phase the pigs much. They are growing, ready in Beginning of February.

Anyone interested my neighbor has for sale: 1984 Ford f250, 4x4, Cab/ chasis. 302. 4spd. Runs good, 4x4 works. Will need gas tank (current one works, rusted on top). Using for farm/ firewood truck- began to build flatbed. Willing to part out. $450 obo. Email me.

Note: Prayers please, for Grandma P she was diagnosed with stomach cancer yesterday. Thanks.
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