Saturday, October 24, 2009

100 Mile Locavore Challange on TV

There is a new show on Discovery Channels Planet Green called "100 Mile Challange". This show is about local eating. The participants can only eat food grown within 100 miles of their home. Here is a link to the show. It is on on Monday nights. This is reality "Animal, Vegetable Miracle."- Kingsolvers book and memoir of being a "locavore" for one full year. Link:

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

October Update

October is going well, after a week of cold/ flu sickness everyone is up and back to normal. We have been cutting and splitting more firewood, we are actively using the wood stove nearly 24/7. Below is a view of cows in pasture during fall color.
The hogs are doing very well, growing well. Below is a photo me building their new hog house which is on skids so it can be pulled by a tractor to rotation graze.
Here is a photo of the new house in the pig pen (1/2 of our garden) where the pigs are harvesting the garden leftovers. And turning the soil. Below Jay watching his pigs (they're names are "Bacon"- that what he calls them).
Here is one of the calves which are being weaned in the barn and is currently for sale.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Congrats!!! 60TH Anniversary in Family

This past week we travelled to S.C. to watch my grandparents renew thier 60th Wedding vows. What a great time had by all. Here are some photos. Congrats Grandma and Grandpa on 60 years of marriage!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

2010 Homesteading Today Calender!!!

We entered a few pictures for review and voting by members of the Homesteading Today Online community. This is a "Forum" or group of folks with similar ideals, a common place to congregate online and ask questions and get answers and advice. There are according to the site 21,000 Members; only 3,500 active Members. Link:
Of the pictures that we entered, 2 were chosen for next years (2010) Calender. There was approx 90 pictures to vote from. Below the chosen pictures. Info will be updated as to what month these will be, and where they maybe for sale.