"I had rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world" - George Washington
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Jays First Hair Cut
Yesterday was hair cut day. After a pretty warm friday of outdoor activity we decided that Jay's hair needed a trim. Little boys that play outside and get dirty hands (sand box and such..) then wipe their forehead, that combinations all bad. So we cut his hair, same buzz cut I get and he loved it. He didnt seem to bother his forehead as much yesterday. And hes loves to fell his hair, its so funny. Sad to see it go, it makes him look older. Tear, Tear...Photos follow.
We as a family are trying to build a more self sustaining life style. Last year we purchased a 22 acre farm where we'll raise our family, Dexter Cattle, pigs, chickens and a large garden. I am a proud husband and father.
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