Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Firewood is name of the game. With propane prices already outrageous, and still climbing, wood heat is the best option for us. Wood heating will be very time/ work intensive, but we can cut all wood from our wood lot, meaning its cost less $$, and trees are a renewable resource. As for cutting trees, we have only cut trees that were already dead, or needed cut for safety reasons(like in previous Blog Post). With help from Concord Family and Friends we cut and hand split of 75% of our wood this year (roughly 3 cords). The rest was split with a log splitter at a communal wood cutting/ splitting party at my neighbors, in which we all got a share of the wood (Wood hauled home on the hay wagon, load x 2). We will soon find out if 4.5-5 cords of split wood will last us the winter, setting our base line for coming years. The Farmers Almanac has predicted a harsh winter, Warm wishes from our family to yours! Below are some pictures of our wood cutting adventures. Yes even Concord Baby helped.

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