Monday, September 14, 2009

Farm Goals 2009 Update

This is a 2009 Farm Goals Update. In January we made a farm goals list, link is at bottom of page for review purposes, if needed. Below is the list with marks beside.
U- Undone- May no get done...
I-In Progress
X- Done

I 1. Have fun, enjoy family and seasons more- In progress, we have had quality family time. We purchased a pop-up camper, and hope to spend more time together and enjoy this fall season!

I 2. Firewood Shed & Firewood & Firewood Wagon- Shed done, Roughly 1/2 winters firewood in, Wagon in progress but delayed.

I 3. Cow Shed on Barn- New roof for old section first, then maybe new cow shed?

U 4. Expand Cow Herd- Maybe not this year. We had 2 heifer calves born and hope to buy a couple of beef steers to raise and sell.

X 5. Fence- Mostly complete. See past posts.

I 6. Pig House & Pens- Pen done- though will be expanding very soon. Pig house in progress. Pig herd= 10 to feed out this fall. That's a lot of mouths to feed.

U 7. Chickens- Completed, then dissolved. Due to Raccoons and other farm projects chickens are on hold.

X 8. Flooring for sun room- Hardwood complete.

U 9. Garage Door- Probably not getting done, unless I find a good deal on a door.

X 10. Garden & Canning- Complete, I think. Garden fared well. Lots of canned goods: green beans, tomato juice and beets. Frozen corn, tomato juice, bell peppers. Potatoes in storage.

X 11. Water lines- waterer- Complete. Water line in. Frost-Free Spigot-- works great.

I 12. 220 electric to garage- Electric line in, not connected on either end yet.

Unlisted are the daily chores that go along with raising a family and expanding a farm. Two big events not planned on were the purchase of a Haybine and Tractor. There will be a year end review in a few more months. For now that hay season is mostly over- Firewood is the name of my game!

1 comment:

Christine said...

I am completely impressed with all you've accomplished. You are wise beyond your years. Best wishes for the rest of 2009.