Monday, September 26, 2011

Fall 2011

Fall 2011 in in full swing. A busy summer season. We welcome a new member to the family: Isaac, born in July. We baled alot of hay this summer both round and square.

The garden did well. We were able to preserve the bounty by canning. It was a constasnt struggle against weeds this year, though.

Winter rapidly approaching; we need to get more fire wood stored up. Barn is full of hay. Basement shelves stacked with canned goods. Freezer with meat-- and hopefully deer soon.

Jay started school this fall, he is growing so fast. Isaac is growing fast. More updates to come. Above are a couple of pics from this season.

And dont forget, check us out on Facebook; it gets updated more frequently.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Spring 2011

Spring 2011 is in full swing! Even more so, when the rain slows... Well its been quite a while; I seem to update our facebook page more often, since its so easy. So please check us out there, I eill attempt to update more. Jay is growing fast, 3 /12 now. Another one on the way, a boy. Barn is up, roof in place, yet to be sided. Building more permanent fence. Built portable "chicken tractor" for our flock. Have a broody hen with 10 chicks in a small broody coop we built. Corn fields 1/2 ready to plant. Still need to fix: hay maul floor, hay wagon top, haybine for hay season.