Jay is loving the snow! We went sledding yesterday for about 30 minutes. We currenlty have about 5" of snow on pic nic table this morning. 1-3 " more snow coming tomorrow.

Firewood supply used approx 1/2 (actually a little less) but doing well. Maybe this year we'll get ahead?

Snow doesnt seem to phase the pigs much. They are growing, ready in Beginning of February.

Anyone interested my neighbor has for sale: 1984 Ford f250, 4x4, Cab/ chasis. 302. 4spd. Runs good, 4x4 works. Will need gas tank (current one works, rusted on top). Using for farm/ firewood truck- began to build flatbed. Willing to part out. $450 obo. Email me.
Note: Prayers please, for Grandma P she was diagnosed with stomach cancer yesterday. Thanks.