Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hay Baler

Our most recent investment pictured above. A Massey Ferguson #12 Square Hay Baler. This was bought in share with our neighbors the Sayres. It should serve us well, its in great shape, well cared for by 2 older gentlemen that always stored it indoors. Im excited to use it this summer. This was a local purchase from an Ebay auction. We will have it home tomorrow. Enjoy the weekend.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Surgery Successful

As always, were busy. Jays surgery was a success! All went well, we went into Children's in Columbus at about 6am, and were out and on the way home about 10:30am. He had the eye cyst removed, an eye muscle cut to correct for the cyst, and a couple of skin repairs (ear tags removed). He is healing well, the surgery doesn't seem to have slowed him down, hes playing like normal. We are so thankful.

On another note: We thought we had a cow calving this week(one on the left). The cow began stringing mucous, this continued for 2 days before calling the vet for a house call. The vet had no explanation for the mucous, but confirmed the pregnancy, and called it 7 months along with strong pulse and fetus movement, cervix still closed, so no abortion. For info: a cows gestation is approx 283 days, roughly 9 months. This means that she was bred to our red bull, Travis, who is pictured- center.

We have also been cutting more firewood preparing for next winter. We prepared the backside of the garage for building our new lean to shed, which will be 20 ft wide and 12 ft deep.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Spring Tease

This week I was lucky to have great weather on both of my days off. We got alot accomplished in the past week. We layed the new floating wood floor in our sun room, Goal # for 2009, this happened out of necissity not indulgence as the dogs ruined our carpet in one night, its a long story. We also got some storm clean up done, nothing like cleaning up after winters fury. We also had a very commical time loading cows (that he sold) at the Sanders Farm, it took us approx 2 hours to load 4 cows, LOL. Jay got to enjoy time outside, he accompanied me during chores both days, and other misc play time, he loves the outdoors. Summer with Jay with be so much fun. Not to rush the seasons, but the above picture of last spring get me excited warmer weather.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Life without lights

The winter storm that swept through the Mid-West last week left us without electric. The storm left a blanket of snow 3-4" then approx 1/2"-3/4" ice, then another 1-2" of snow, the ice especially was terrible on trees and roads; even the local radio stations shut down. Just like earlier times in history we used our oil lamps for light, and of course our wood stove for heat, we stored food outside in the cold, heated water for dishes and washing on the wood stove, we cooked on the woodstove and white-gas camp stove. I was able to fashion a radio (we lack a battry powered radio!) out of an old car radio, a car battery, and two speakers. The outtage didnt seem to phase Jay, as he played like always. I quote my wife, "at least our house is warm and boring." Life went on as usual, went to work as usual, just closed off a few rooms to keep heat central, and ate great food, chores done the same, and played board and card games (below is a pic of our favorite new game). The electric ceased on Wednesday Jan. 28 and came back on early morning Monday Feb 2; though we borrowed a generator on Saturday the 31st, to run the refridgerator/ freezer. As much of a hassle or inconvenience as it may seem, it was a great vacation from these modern times. Mother Nature you are the boss!