Wow, what a busy time of year this has been. Life has taken a change, Concord Mom is still in school, Concord Baby is crawling at mach speed (almost walking) and I have yet another job under my belt, I am now a Firefighter- Paramedic for Jackson Twp. Fire Dept in Grove City, OH. And, now for home life: baby to coral, house to child proof and keep clean, much laundry as sweaty summer days prevail, Fences to build, cows to move, shed to build, fire wood to split, and as if thats not enough, Morgan our black lab is due for puppies any time!
Concord baby is growing by leaps and bounds. He is such a social butterfly! The boy is exploring big people foods like Mac and Cheese, Cheesy Puffs, Raviolis, Spaghettis and much more. Bottles are nearly a thing of the past as he has taken to the sippy cup during the day, with much encouragement from Concord Mom and Dad. As for the crawling, no hiding place is high enough, he is starting to climb.

The farm is growing tremendously. We have lost all of our chickens. One evening while at work racoons got into the chicken coop and ate a few, well the next night, I tried to close the coop up, but, the chickenn were so scared they wouldnt go in there, so the hid places like on the wood pile, in the tree, and on top of vehicles. Needless to say they all met they're demise in 4 nights. Two fool hardy chickens suvived, only because they moved to the neighbors back porch (LOL!). And Joe didnt like them so he gave them away. (To the same guy I was giving them to, but, he caught them first) Next year our chickens, will be in electrified fence and be locked up every night!
As for our cows: all are on pasture. Which have been grazed very well, and rotated to keep it in good shape. Hopefully we can get the cows bred for spring calves but were running out of time, its looking like we'll have fall calves next year now. And, Im prospecting buying some cows that are bred to spring calve. We are building a hay shed (Pics above) and will also be building a cow shed, onto the front of the corn crib. Well, hopefully I ll start updating more often. Until then check out our pictures on Flickr.